Urban Survival, What happens if you are Stuck in a City

Whether you live in a city or just visit on rare occasions, there is always the possibility of being stuck in an urban survival situation in case of a collapse or disaster.  So how do you survive?  If you live there, you should have preps and know the area well.

You should know where water is available.  This could include ponds, fountains, streams and reservoirs.   Many multiple-story buildings have hundreds of gallons of water trapped in their plumbing systems, you just have to know how to access it.  Your urban survival kit should include a Sillcock key, or at least pliers or vise grips.  Sillcock Keys, The key to Finding Water In the Cities.  A Sillcock key will let you turn on many taps that are missing the handle.

One water source that you need to avoid in many areas is fire sprinkler systems.  In cold areas, they may contain antifreeze, which will kill you.  If you live or work in a high rise or multi story building, make friends with the maintenance people and show an interest in how the building functions.  Learn about the water system and how access it.

Food may be more available than many people think in the early stages of a disaster.  A friend of mine, who was broke, supplemented his food by hunting pigeons in the parks and on the roofs with a pellet pistol.  City pigeons are not scared of people.  Lots of wild food may be available in parks and vacate lots, if you know what you are looking for.

If you plan to live in your apartment or home and live on your preps be careful what you do with your trash..  There is a saying in the military, “If I can find your MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) trash, I can find your base”.  This also applies if your neighbor sees your trash.  He knows what you are eating.  What are you doing with your trash?  Can your neighbors see where you are throwing your food wrappers?  Burn your waste if possible and bury or hide what is noncombustible.  Can your neighbor smell your food cooking?  Cooking odors will carry a long way.  You need to be carefully about how you dispose of bodily wastes, keep them away from where you are hiding.

If you are planning to stay in an multi story apartment or hotel, always know the escape routes in case of a fire. Be careful about being trapped on upper floors without an escape route.

One of the biggest dangers in urban survival will be other people.  Your best bet is to avoid contact with others as much as possible.  In large building there are many hiding places, don’t hesitate to use them.  Fight only as a last resort and use whatever weapons you have.

Whether you live in the city or are just visiting you should have an escape route planned and a bug out or get home bag.

Urban Survival takes planning and training just like wilderness survival.  If you live, work or visit a city near you, take the time to plan how you will survive or escape.  Urban survival is not impossible, in many parts of the world people are doing it right now, but it will be hard.



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