Have You Tried Planting a Crop with Hand Operated Gardening Tools?

Summer is coming fast and it is time to plant our gardens in many parts of the country.  This year I am going to make a suggestion.  Every year we get out with our rototillers and other power tools and plant our garden.  This is great we get good crops and maybe a false sense of security.  The reason for the false sense of security is that we have a successful garden when we use power tools.  But what would happen, if you had to dig and plant your garden by hand.  Do you have the necessary hand gardening tools?

I am going to suggest that you work at least a portion of your garden by hand this year.  I did it a few years ago and it shows you what your weaknesses are, and I am not just talking about the sore back and blister.  You may find that you have to purchase some additional gardening tools.

Probably the two most important tools that I found that I needed was a good short handled spade and fork.  The spade to turn the ground over and the fork to get the weeds out and break up the soil.  Now I am talking about getting good ones.  I have been able to bend the blade on a cheap Chinese spade.  In addition, you will find that you need good rakes and hoes to help cut the weeds.  I like to also keep good long handle square and round point shovels, as well as a long handle pitch fork.

Depending on where you live, a scythe or a sickle can come in handle for cutting down weeds.  Don’t forget that you still need to water your garden and most of us won’t have water hoses.  You may need water cans or containers to carry water.

Many of these gardening tools can be purchased very inexpensively in garage sales.  Some can even be made.  My father still uses a Homemade Wooden Gardening and Hay Forks he made himself.  Try working a patch of land this year with hand gardening tools and you will find out what you need.



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