The Importance of Soap


My mother was in her early twenties during WW2 and lived in England.  Talking with her about her experiences during rationing and other shortages has been helpful to me.  One of the things that she has mentioned to me was shortages of laundry soap and other soaps.  She said that this became quite a health problem.  The health of babies and small children were threatened due to the lack of soap.  Lack of simple things like hand washing can be major reason for the spread of diseases.

Cleanliness is something we take for granted, we shower every day and put on clean clothes.  Soap is cheap and plentiful.  I am going to strongly suggest that you experiment with washing your clothes with a washboard or plunger.  The plunger named “The Breathing Mobile Washer” is the best, I have seen.  It is easier than a washboard or doing the laundry by hand. Do you have a outdoor clothes line?

Now is the time to stock up on soaps while they are still available and inexpensive.  I know that lye soap can be made at home, but if you are facing a long-term disaster, having a good supply of soap on hand will let you put this chore off until later.

Modern soaps are also less damaging to your hands and clothing.  Stock up on both hand soap and laundry soap.  Millions of people have died from lack of sanitation.


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