How to Survive an Economic Collapse

This is a guest post submitted by Rebecca on the subject of economic collapse, which is one of the most likely scenarios that I envision happening


Most people are familiar with natural disasters and how to be prepared for them. We all understand the importance of having an evacuation plan and stocking up on emergency supplies in order to ride out a few days without basic services. But do you know what to do in case of an economic collapse that might last months or even years?

The current economic crisis in Greece  demonstrates what can happen as a result of years of financial recklessness. Not only is the country suffering from high unemployment and a shrinking economy but it cannot pay off its international debts. Could the same thing happen to other countries around the world?

More importantly, do you know what to do in the face of an economic crisis? Many experts believe that another economic crisis as severe as the Great Recession in 2008 or worse is possible. What will happen to you and your family when your money no longer has value? Here are some tips to help you make it through an economic collapse:

  1. Become More Self-Reliant – Modern life means that the majority of people do not know

economic collapse

Don’t let this be your childs future

how to grow or obtain their own food. There is the real possibility, however, if money can no longer be used to purchase food in the event of economic collapse. One way to provide for yourself and your loved ones is to grow a garden and learn how to hunt. These basic skills can help you out in any crisis situation.


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