Solar Wagons can Provide Off Grid Electric Power

Last Saturday we had our preparedness fair and it was quite well attended. One of the things that I found quite interesting was the solar wagon that Aron from Sierra Solar brought to the fair.

This solar wagon is a nice simple unit using a 135-watt solar panel and is entirely self-contained.  In its current configuration, it uses two 6 volt 225 amp Trojan batteries and a charge controller, an inverter, a couple of breakers and is expandable.  The charge controller is TriStar manufactured by Morningstar , and the inverter is a 800 watt Samlex.

This system can be easily expanded and with the addition or a couple more panels and several batteries would run a refrigerator.  In its current configuration, it would run lights and many different types of small appliances, radios, tools or a small DC refrigerator.

Here you can see the TriStar charge controller  manufactured by Morningstar and the white box with the stickers contains the circuit breakers.

Here you can see the two 6 volt Trojan batteries and the 800 watt Samlex inverter

All the parts and further information on this unit can be obtained by contacting Aron at 530-273-6754 or checking their website  They will sell you the parts or build you a custom solar wagon to any specification you need.

Here you can see an over view of the whole unit.

This is a good company with a large selection of off grid power solutions, including wind, water and solar.  They also have deep well solar pumps and many other innovated solutions to living off grid.


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