Refugees Over Run Germany, From an Expat’s Prospective

This is a letter from Germany describing the refugee problem that they now face.  This letter comes from what I believe is a reliable source and should give us some idea of what can occur here during a refugee crisis.  Remember refugees can be from external or internal areas.  This description could apply if the refugees were from large urban areas and they were desperate.


Life in Germany Today Is Getting Dangerous!

A perspective from an ex pat living in Germany for the last 30 years.  Interesting considering she is a musician with left leaning politics. —

My dear family,

You can’t imagine how life here in Germany has changed. The refugee is a big issue, as you may have been hearing on the news. Unfortunately, life in Germany is turning into a nightmare.

I will fill you in on a few things that are going on here knowing that this all sounds like something from Hollywood, but for us it is pure reality. It is not my intention to frighten you and if you don’t believe what I have written, no worries. At the end of this mail I have enclosed a few links.

For many, many months refugees have been flooding into Europe, Spain was hit the hardest because that is where they landed from northern Africa. Then all of a sudden their goal turned towards Germany. Since approximately 3-4 weeks these never ending masses of people are coming in from the south. There is a “small” land space between the mountains where they can cross the border from Austria into Bavaria. And they are now using other passage ways to get in.

The war in Syria has been going on for 4 or 5 years and now all of a sudden we are supposed to completely open up our borders and allow ALL the Syrians, Ukrainians and other war refugees in?? The fact of the matter is that the fewest of them are from those countries and MOST of them are young Muslims and black African men, mostly economical refugees. Many of them have thrown away their identity cards saying that they lost it on the way, and most of them aren’t even registered. Where are their wives and children???!!!! They are ALL given cell phones and are always checking them.  How does Germany house, feed and support all of these Muslims?

In one of the following links there is a women politician crying because she doesn’t know how to deal with all these people flooding into in Munich. There is no possible way to register thousands coming in EVERYDAY and finding places for them to stay, feed them, etc. They are now even placed in the “Olympia Stadium” where the Olympics were held. Kids are being removed from their schools and put into containers you find for workers at construction areas. The week Germans, unable to defend themselves, are being removed from their apartments saying that they need the space for refugees, without given an alternative place to stay.

It is only a matter of time until we all will be forced to take in refugees in our own homes. The mother of a student of mine works in a camp. 10 days ago it started to get cold and rainy and they are now given thicker blankets. Electric heaters are being put at each bed so they can keep warm. Most of them come from very warm countries and they are not at all accustomed to rainy or cold weather. A different tent was put up so that the Muslim women can take off their burkas without the men for a few hours a day.

Men, women and children from different countries all live together in the same tent or apartment etc. This alone is very explosive since we all know how the “Arabs” hate one other. But now they are placing them into any available housing they can find: empty office buildings, containers, etc.  If you look into these places after a short period of time, they are all trashed, disgustingly dirty. And the Germans should clean up after them?! Just look at pictures of buses when they leave them, trash everywhere. That is normality!

The tension is enormous. Not only against one another but also against the German helpers. These “invaders” throw back food that is being given them saying that they want different food or drink. There are some who have gone on a hunger strike saying that they want 2000-Euro a month. A dentist we know says that the government will pay him 2000Euro per person for free dental treatment for EVERYONE because their teeth are in a rotten condition. (What about the Germans who need help??!!) When they are offered water, they throw it back at the workers, and often say that they want a coke instead, whereas, they should be glad to even have a roof over their heads or get anything to eat, for that matter.

In one camp a retailer comes everyday to replace the washing machines placed there because the blacks are too impatient to wait until the door open up at the end of a washing cycle, so they destroy the door and expect a new machine. And they get it!!

We have been seeing videos that the refugees don’t even know (and are unwilling to learn) how to flush a toilet, because they are familiar with a hole in the ground. So the toilets in these camps are full of excrements and toilet paper lying all around. They have been throwing away the food, clothes, etc given them. We saw and heard of them coming to a camp and just demolishing it for no reason at all. It is very unfortunate, but the blacks and Muslims are very near sighted and have no perception of the future. The police are refusing to go into the camps anymore because they are being attacked and they are NOT ALLOWED, by the German government, to lock up the trouble makers or even hit back!!! The helpers are also being spit on and hurt and many have stopped helping, with soon more to follow their example.

Burglary, rapes (not only by one man, but by groups of men), people being beaten up for the “fun” of it, are happening on a daily basis. In an open swimming pool 10 Muslims raped a 7 year old girl just a few weeks ago, and that is only one story of MANY. I could cry!! There are communities with up to half of them refugees, harassing the German citizens in all ways imaginable. We have heard stories about groups of them showing up at grocery stores and just taking things out of the shelves and damaging it all on a daily basis, until security guards were finally hired. Today we heard that a small town of 300 now has a camp with 1200 refugees, and the Germans are afraid for their lives!!

XXXXXX was almost harassed 2 times from black Africans just wanting to start a fight and feeling strong. Luckily, XXXXXX took self-defense for 20 years and knows how to defend himself. A neighbor was beaten up by a gang near our apartment and is still in intensive care. We are familiar with a number a rape victims. We have been seeing gypsies scouting the area for places to break into, and many robberies have taken place around here, alone in our neighborhood. XXXXXX borrowed a car on Monday and while driving down a busy road and some blacks were walking in the middle of the road, as if they owned them, not caring if they were interrupting traffic or not.We went to a flee market a few months ago across the street from us. There were so many foreigners. I said, “I feel like we are in different country, but I don’t know which one.”

Did you ever ask why the ALL suddenly want to come to Germany? We have heard that they were promised a Muslim land where houses will be built for them and they will get money, or what other fairytale told to them. Angela Merkl has been inviting them in. Indeed, they all receive money when they arrive. We see them buying and buying. Those who come here are naïve enough to believe that they could go to a country x that they are absolutely not familiar with; neither the culture, the climate, the language, etc, and what, start a new life? They can’t even read a sign because they are not familiar with our Latin letters. My Aunt told me that in her town only 12 out of 70 refugees showed up for German language lessons.

Our canceller and her fellow politicians are TRAITORS to the German people and they have been breaking laws left and right. What country would allow conditions like this to happen, especially in Europe? The courts and judicial system is highly corrupt. We know this through firsthand experience.

The last 2 years our German “traitors” have been letting more and more (mostly) Turks and black Africans into Germany with almost all of them on welfare. XXXXXX and I live on the outskirts of Hamburg and when we started to see them move here we started to get worried. In the subway every third person you see is a foreigner. Hamburg has (had since recently) approx. 2 million citizens. About a month ago I was at the foreign office to get my new passport stamped with my residency permit. The foreigners waiting in line were very cocky. Years ago, they were all afraid to be deported.

The German unemployment is in reality very high, contradictory to the false statistics being presented. The economy is doing very, very poorly with more and more businesses are going OUT of business. Wages are at an all time low, which was unthinkable in the near past. The German streets are in a horrible condition, which was unheard of a few years ago. The social project aren’t supported anymore. Need I go on??? Just ask Mary Ann, she was here last year.

There are (were) approximately 80 million people living in Germany, and this is a very densely populated country. Who is left to pay for all of this??? Besides, who is paying for all of this now? They have electric heaters in the tents because since one week the weather has been getting cold and rainy. Now the government is trying to drop wages even more, because of the new possible workers that have just arrived. Most of them are uneducated and are highly unqualified. What will our life standard and quality turn into??

Many police, military, and workers who are dealing with the refugees are so fed up and feel so betrayed by our government. The police doesn’t have enough manpower, equipment and not allowed to act accordingly to the dangers they and others are facing. Our military has been sent to Afganistan etc although they are desperately needed here. The borders to Germany are still open and only “guarded” by a few patrolmen who are helpless against the masses pouring in each day. The “Hilfswerk” was supposed to remove all their equipment from their hall to let refugees live there. But this hall HAS all the equipment to help these people and it is ridiculous to move it! Most of the volunteers quit working because of the absurdity. The sound of sirens has turned into an everyday sound, more than ever before.

People here have been brainwashed with a guilt complex since World War 2 ….. guilt, guilt, guilt is written all over them. In schools the smaller children have to watch the concentration camp victim videos and are already traumatized at a young age. That is why so many hold their tongue when it comes to saying anything against foreigners. Apart from that it is against the law to say anything against certain racial groups and you can go to jail because of it. This is reality pure even though many of the Germans remain oblivious of this.

The official media is so manipulative and writing lies left and right. They are not allowed to write anything that the refugees do.Unfortunately, so many Germans believe what is written and will experience a rude awakening when all of a sudden the banks don’t open on Monday and all of their savings are gone, no cash will be had to buy food or drink etc, or when the fighting begins. Our infrastructure will soon become lame and then nothing will function anymore The Euro could crash any day, and will do so. Germany was always the economic stronghold of Europe. If Germany falls, Europe falls. If Germany stands strong, Europe stands strong. That’s how it has always been, even before the European Union (which was a disaster from the beginning).

Inflation and higher taxes are hitting us hard already and this is only the beginning.Other European countries are being warned to prepare for worst, but not the German people, which is such a crime!!! Our Polish friend said that many people he knows in Poland tell him how absurd and dangerous Angela Merkl is, letting so many people in. They see what is going on and know where this is heading for!!!! These Muslims are SO aggressive and are one of the few cultures who do not assimilate even after many generations. We know this as a fact because so many have been living here for decades. They think and act so differently that we can’t even imagine it, and their religion allows them to hate us (Christians or non-Muslims).

Our latest information is that more and more soldiers are being spotted, (for ex. through facebook) and are wandering freely through Germany. We can well say that when we look around that there are more and more men who look very dangerous!!! There are so called refugees who are being “housed” in military camps. I call them soldiers who are ready to take over Germany.

On my way to school today I looked around and there are so MANY Muslim and black men that look so dangerous. The other foreigners don’t even bother me anymore because this overshadows our reality. The newspapers are writing about burglaries from gangs but are holding back vital information. There is enormous tension in the air, and the aggression between people in everyday life has skyrocketed. Most people I talk to have trouble sleeping. Those who are not directly involved in any “problems” try to ignore what is going on probably thinking that if they don’t look everything bad will go away. I witness this every day. Talking about the events is fruitless because no one wants to hear anything.  As you can imagine, in Germany and in all of Europe, a time bomb is aboutto explode.  I am afraid for all those unprepared: the old, the sick, the children etc. etc. etc., and for us.

It sounds so outrageous because most of us have never experienced a war before and this is GERMANY, this is EUROPE. We have included a few links and in the internet you can find so much more, or contact us and we will be happy to pass on more information to you. The world is so closely knit that what affects us here, affects everyone in the world. Especially because Germany is (was) a world leading country.  I have heard arguments that our family went through the same thing, and I say it is NOT the same thing. The Ebinals were forced to move and they went to the land of their own culture.

When our Polish friend was young his grandmother always told him that war comes silently. And then it is there.

I’m so grateful to be with XXXXXX!! He is so loving, clear and calm, and I couldn’t have a better partner!!!! WE are preparing as good as we can so that we can stay at home during the oncoming civil war. Without him I would be lost. He is keeping his eyes open and checking daily our very reliable sources, contacts and insider information to see what the latest status is. Thank God for his common sense!! XXXXXX and I still have 2 apartments not far apart, but we are moving most of his things here because this apartment is situated in a private driveway with a dead end surrounded by trees and even unknown to the local taxi drivers. We live on the second floor with no balcony, which now seems a comfort. A few of our neighbors are reliable men who will do what needs to be done when the time comes. Emanuel doesn’t really want to see what is going on yet, although he a has great perception  of situations. But atleast he listens to what I tell him.

My Mother’s family in Bavaria are aware of what’s going on and are nervous, trying not to think of what the consequences will soon be. Winter is coming. Through all this craziness, XXXXXX and I think of Opa’s words in hismanuscript:

“But through the love and help of God, we have gotten over everything. I thank God for all the good and the evil.H.E.”

My dear family, with God’s help we will somehow get through this, as well. You are in (our) my heart(s) and I am thankful that you are in my (our) life (lives). I will fill you in if anything major happens.


Erzwungene Nationale Psychotherapie? – Merkels Kommentar aus kanadischerSicht Merkls comments from a canadian perspective is crying:Masseneinwanderung: „Wir können die öffentliche Sicherheit nicht mehrgarantieren“ und Afghanen liefern sich Steinschlacht an kroatischer Grenzestone throwing


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