Do You Really Need a One-Year Supply of Food?

In reading different blogs and posts on the internet one thing, I have been noticing is how many people feel that they only need to stock food for the short term.  By that, I mean six months or less.  Personally, I feel that we need to have at least a one-year supply and more if possible.

I know that many of you are counting on the food you intend to grow, gather or hunt.  The sad fact is that most of us are not ready for that type of existence.  Granted a few are.  But today most people are not raised on a farm and their total farming experience is raising a garden in their backyard.  Hunting is not something that a large percentage of the popular has any real skill in.

If some of the people I know here in California had to hunt for food, they would shoot each other and anything else that moved.  Cattle, horses and all types of domestic animals would become fair game.  Many of these individuals have a lot of firearms and ammunition.  The shoot at the range often, but have almost no hunting skills.  They also have little food in their pantry.  They tell me about how easy they can get food by hunting.  I predict that after a few failed attempts at hunting, preppers would become their real game.

The reason I feel you need a one-year supply is so that you can last over the winter and through at least one growing season without being too dependent on what you grow.  For most of us, the first year’s crop will probably not be our best.  There will be a big learning curve.  Plus you have to allow for unexpected things, like drought, crop failure, wildfires or raiders.  You may not be able to plant a crop if you are threatened by raiders.

Food is still comparatively cheap and there are many ways you can cut your costs.  Home canning, dehydrating, gleaning the fields and gardening are some of the ways.  Don’t put yourself at risk by cutting corners and shorting yourselves by not having a one-year supply.  Maybe you don’t really need those 10 or 20 extra firearms.



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