Preppers Need to Work Together and With Their Communities

When I first started prepping, I was young and had a tendency to think that I could do anything alone.  I felt like I did not need others.  As I have aged, I have found out that none of us are an island we all need others.  Organized groups that can function for a common goal will succeed where individuals fail.  We as preppers need to work with our communities to help them be better prepared.

If the Federal government were to cease functioning tomorrow, many local government entities would continue to function.  Sometime this would be because you have large numbers of people with common believes and goals.  Many areas of Utah would be a good example of this.

In some areas, you would have local leaders who attempt to control things for their own gain or simply for power and become tinhorn dictators.  In other area, it could be preppers who stepped up to share information and take a leadership role.  At the same time, some areas would descend into anarchy.  The question is what do you want for your area?

There are many things preppers can do now to help put yourself into a leadership role, if and when emergencies occur.  Some examples would be join a church, maybe the local radio club or form a Cert Team (Citizens Emergency Response Team) or how about the local volunteer fire department. These are just a few of the potential groups you can join.  You can get involved with local politics and find out who is going to protect your freedoms and who will try and take them away.

Study the history of this country and you will see that our forefathers worked together during hard times.  They often worked together to help each other with things like barn raisings.  They gathered together for protection when threatened with attack.  Many of the western pioneers were good examples of preppers.

Now let’s talk about operational secrecy.  Now I am all in favor of operational secrecy, although in my case I have given a large part of that up in order to help others.  You can join anyone of these groups without telling people you have storage.  You can share as much or as little of yourself as you choose.

The whole point is that when an emergency happens we need to be the ones to lead and guide other with our knowledge.  An organized functioning community stands a lot better chance of success.



or to participate.