The NATO Phonetic Alphabet will Prevent Miscommunication

Many preppers are planning to use radios for communication in case of civil unrest or other emergencies. Scanners can also provide intelligence in case of natural disasters like forest fires or civil disturbances.  Much of the information that is available on the radios or scanners will use military time and the NATO phonetic alphabet.  The other day I wrote a post on the use of the 24-hour military time clock

Today I am writing on the use of the NATO phonetic alphabet.  The use of various phonetic alphabets has been common ever since the advent of radio communication.

In 1957 the US and NATO adopted the NATO Phonetic Alphabet to help eliminate communication problems between the various militaries.  Today it is also used at most airports and variations are used in police communication.  Prior to adopting it, they did extensive studies to see what words best could serve the purpose.  The tests included 31 different countries and of course many different accents.  The words that were selected were the ones that were most understandable regardless of the accent.

The NATO phonetic alphabet

The phonetic alphabet can be used to spell out words to avoid mistakes and to make sure that any messages sent in code are correctly understood.  If you plan to use radio communications after TEOTWAWKI, spent a bit of time and learn both the 24-hour clock and the phonetic alphabet.

Radios can be a force multiplier by providing coordination and intelligence.  Here are a couple of other posts on radio communication that I recommend that you read.

Radios have become quite inexpensive and I suggest that you at least have them for short-range communications.



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