More on The Best Animals for Self Sufficiency

The post on raising animals brought in some great replies.  I gained some good information from them.  After more studying and reading the comments, I have decided that if you are living in a semi urban area with limited access to acreage like me, that chickens and rabbits would be the best choice.

For those of you with more land and fencing, goats, pigs and other large animals should be considered.  If you have a big enough area, they can scavenge a lot of their own food.  But remember you need a lot of feed for them.  With chickens and rabbits, I think I could find enough feed in my area to keep them healthy.

I like Matt’s suggestion of not putting all your eggs in one basket.  That is the reason for both chickens and rabbits.  The idea of two chicken coops in a group is a good one.

The suggestion for guinea pigs and other fowls are all good ones.  I would choose to go with chickens and rabbits because they are more of what I know.  Jack’s comments were also good ones, sounds like he has had a lot of experience in this area.  The idea of raising fish in a pond is good  if you have a reliable water source.  In the west that is not always available.

I would like to thank all the people who sent in comments.  Every time we get a discussion like this going we all learn, at least I do.  If you have subjects you want to bring up and throw out for comments and suggestions from others email me ([email protected]) and assuming they are suitable I will post them.

Thanks Howard


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