Make your Own Deep Well Bucket

This is a re-run of an old post. The reason is that one of our readers has made an improvement to the design. It is shown at the bottom.  A simple method for getting water out of a deep well without electricity is shown below.Attach a rope to the PVC pipe and lower the bucket down the 4 to 6 inch well shaft, and let it sink into the water.  The rubber flapper will act like a foot valve and rise up against the wires when it hits the water.  This will allow the water to enter the pipe.  When you start to pull it up, the weight of the water will push the rubber flapper down against the reducer and seal the bottom of the bucket.

Matt from Oklahoma made three the other day and by using screws in place of the wires to hold the flapper  in place simplified the design. If you want to learn how to reuse buckets for other purposes this article will help.

His finished buckets

Notice the screw instead of the wire


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