LEDs and Faraday Cages

I have been spending some time studying the effects of EMP (Electromagnetic pulse) and now I am more confused than ever.  There are so many conflicting theories that I have come to the conclusion that I will prepare for the worst case and hope they are wrong.

I am basically putting one of anything I want to be sure and save in a Faraday bag.  This is a mil spec bag that I get from Tect Protect.  See More on EMP Protection

The items that I place inside the bag are either wrapped in plastic and then aluminum foil or placed is a metal can with no opening.  Items in the can are insulated from the sides of the can.

Among the items you protect include LED flashlights.  An LED is a diode (Light Emitting Diode) and as such is a silicone-based semiconductor.  This may be destroyed by EMP.  There are some differences of opinion on this.  As I said, I am going with the worst-case version.  Along with the flashlight, I am including some Eneloop rechargeable batteries and a Powerfilm solar charger.  This will give me the ability to keep a flashlight functioning for several years.

The reason I included the batteries in the Faraday cage is that I have been told by a good informed source that there is a question about the effects of EMP on NiMh/NiCd/LiIon batteries.  So again, I am playing safe.

So again, my rule is if you want to be sure it will survive a EMP attack, put it in a Faraday Cage.


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