How to make compost

Now that is a question I ask myself all the time. Several years ago before I really wanted a garden my husband had me set up a round wire frame and put all the grass clippings, leaves and dead foliage we had around the yard. Frankly I wasn’t interested in all that mess and it looked terrible in the corner of the yard and blah blah blah. Besides if we needed good dirt for our garden my father-in-law would give me all I needed. Well now Dad is almost 90 and has really slowed down a lot, but he’s still driving his back hoe and making compost. But not as much and am thinking now what do I do.

My husband out of no where ordered this magazine (I know everyone that has a garden knows about) Mother Earth News. Am impressed with the articles and the information they write about especially the making of compost.

Since I read the article on composting, I am hoping to start a new one-one that is easy for me to handle. After reading the article on “How to make compost” and the way they show you how to make it work, am starting one again.  Quote “Compost is the ultimate ingredient for building fertile soil.”

They go on to say that composting is nothing more than guiding the natural process by which organic wastes decompose. And adding compost to your garden feeds the soil food web and provides a slow release of nutrients to your crop.

Quote “Most gardeners make compost by combining their kitchen and garden waste in an outdoor compost pile and waiting for it to rot. There is no need to buy special activators or inoculants, because each dead plant and bucket of food waste added to compost activates different strains of naturally occurring microbes that promote decomposition.

This article is too long to fully do it justice, so if you’re really interested in making compose, you need to go to the web site.

They show a variety of compost: The wire hoop form, an off the ground compost tumbler, a multi-bin composting setup out of repurposed materials, such as wooden shipping pallets and if you have critters that raid your compost you can use large garbage can with holes in the bottom, until they are ready to mix with other composting materials.

I will let you know what I finally come up with and that is easy for me to handle. If anyone has any easy to do ideas for composting let us know, since the rain is here I have a few weeks to plan what I think I want.

Preparedness Mom

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