How To Remove Orthodontics or Braces in an Emergency

If you or your child are wearing braces, you have to consider that you may have to remove the braces in an emergency situation. Emergency braces removal may be necessary if you have a dental emergency and are not able to get to your orthodontist. There are several types of braces that can be removed at home, but it is important to understand the risks involved before attempting to do so.

We will discuss the steps necessary for removing braces, as well as the dangers of doing so without professional help. We will also recommend some brace removal kits that are available on the market.

Why You Would Need to Remove your Braces at Home

There are a few reasons why you may need to remove your braces at home. If you have a loose wire, a poking wire, or a loose bracket, you may be able to remove it at home with a pair of needle-nose pliers.

If you are experiencing pain from your braces for an extended period, removing them may provide relief, if you cannot reasonably get to an orthodontist.

If your braces break and you’re in the wilderness far away from civilization, you might have to remove them.

You should only remove braces in true orthodontic emergencies. If you are in severe pain, you should still schedule an appointment with an orthodontist and have them removed. Most orthodontists will see you the same day in an orthodontic emergency.

An orthodontic assistant may be able to help fix parts causing discomfort until you can see your orthodontist as well.

What Kind of Braces Can be Removed at Home?

The type of braces you have will determine how difficult it is to remove them at home. If you have traditional metal braces, they will be the easiest to remove. If you have ceramic braces, they can also be removed at home, but you will need to be more careful as they are more fragile than metal braces. If you have Invisalign aligners, they can be removed by simply pulling them out.

Why You Shouldn’t Remove Braces Except in an Orthodontic Emergency

While it may be tempting to remove your braces at home, there are a few reasons why you should avoid doing so unless it is absolutely necessary. As a general rule, removing braces without the help of a professional can be very dangerous.

If you do not remove the braces correctly, you could damage your teeth or gums.

Additionally, removing braces at home will likely prolong the amount of time you need to wear them, as your orthodontist will need to make adjustments to your treatment plan.

Potential Damage

As we mentioned before, removing braces without the help of a professional can be very dangerous. If you do not remove the braces correctly, you could damage your teeth or gums.

You could easily lose a tooth or damage the enamel to your teeth, causing them to become more susceptible to cavities.

Additionally, if you pull too hard on the wires, you could damage your gums or cause them to bleed.

Steps to Removing Braces

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to remove your braces at home, there are a few steps you should follow.

Remove Brackets

Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove the brackets from your teeth. This can be done by gently twisting the pliers until the bracket pops off. This can be painful, so be sure to take your time.

Remove Wire

Once the brackets are off, you can gently pull the wires out of your mouth. You may need a friend or family member to help you with this step. This may be painful as well.

If they are stuck, you can use a pair of needle-nose pliers to help remove them.

Brace Removal Kits Available

If you are looking for a brace removal kit, there are a few different options available. You can purchase a kit that includes everything you need to remove your braces at home, or you can purchase individual items such as pliers and wire cutters. Avoid using other sharp objects such as a nail clipper or scissors, as these can damage your teeth or gums.

Some kits come with orthodontic wax or you can buy this separately. You can place wax on the pointy parts of your braces that are hurting you until your next appointment or an emergency appointment to get orthodontic treatment.


Once your braces have been removed, it is important to take care of your teeth and gums. You will feel discomfort after removing your braces. Use warm water with salt to gently clean your mouth. Avoid eating hard or chewy foods for at least 24 hours.

If you experience severe pain or bleeding, be sure to contact your orthodontist right away for immediate assistance.

You should brush and floss your teeth regularly, and see your dentist for regular checkups.

If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact your orthodontist. Emergency situations happen, but it’s always best to leave brace removal to the professionals.


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