Hand Tools for Carpentry After TEOTWAWKI

Because various members of my family have construction businesses, I have had a chance to talk to some of their younger employees.  One thing that I notice was that they seem to be very dependent on battery-operated tools.  The question of how would you do your work without power tools seems to throw them.  They are completely dependent on power tools and have no real knowledge of hand tools.

A suggested set of hand tools for a carpenter

  • rip saw, (for cutting with the grain)

  • crosscut saw, (for cutting across the grain)

  • back saw,  (a backsaw is any hand saw which has a stiffening rib on the edge opposite the cutting edge, a miter saw)

  • compass saw, (a keyhole saw or coping saw)

  • jack plane, (A jack plane is the general-purpose bench plane

hand tools

a hand drill

hand tools

a yankee screwdriver

The above list of hand tools would let you do most of the necessary repairs around a home or homestead that require woodwork.  In the near future, we will post a list of the hand tools you need for automotive and metal working.



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