Some Good Medical Training for Free

If you study the history of warfare, you will see that the death rate among wounded individuals has fallen tremendously.  People, who would have died during World War 2 or even Vietnam, now regularly survive.  A good part of this is due to the level of good medical training that is now given to the common soldier.

Courses such as the Combat Lifesaver Course are one of the reasons for the improvement.  This course is now available in a self-study format.  You can go to  COMBAT LIFESAVER COURSE: STUDENT SELF-STUDYfirst aid fm4-25.11 and download a copy.

Now I realize that a self-study course is not as good as attending the real thing.  However, for many of us it is better than trying to enlist to get the real thing.  I have spent some time looking at this course and found it to provide good medical training.

Another book you may want is FIRST AID FM 4-25.11   This is a good medical training manual for beginners.

A third book that I have mentioned before is the SOF Medical Manual .  This is a very good book that should be in every preppers library.  At over 600 pages, it can be a bit big to print, but you can find copies on sale fairly inexpensively on Amazon.

While all of these manuals have been written for the military, the information in them can be applied to any serious medical emergency.

I would encourage you to build up a library of medical manuals.  If you feel the information is too advanced for you, it does not matter.  You never know who might be around to help you.  I had a medical doctor look at my books and he stated that they would be a big help to him.

Acquire any medical information you can get your hands on.  You never know what can help to save someone’s life.  And don’t forget your local junior college; most of them have some inexpensive courses that will teach you a lot.



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