Good Equipment and a Lack of Prepper Skills can Kill You

At least once a week it seems as if I encounter someone who has gear that they have spent good money on and then just set in the corner.  In some cases, they have never even unwrapped it.  Often the husband knows how to use it but has never taken the time to show his wife how to use it.  Prepper skills are something that we need to share.

Because I write this blog and know many people in the industry, I have accumulated a pretty good pile of different types of equipment.  My wife likes to cook and work with food, she knows all about solar ovens and various methods of cooking.  But in some other areas, I have been wondering.  Now I know that she proofreads every blog.  So tonight I laid out a bunch of solar chargers like the Goal Zero, the Sunjack various lights, batteries, and various lights.  Now there was nothing really complicated, if she has been paying attention to the blogs, she should have a good idea of what to do.

I then asked her to see how many lights she could get turned on.  With a little coaching, he finally started to get some of them lit.   She was a bit embarrassed about not knowing how to use some of the equipment and it was a good lesson for both of us.

I need to do a bit of cross-training on some of the things she can do in the kitchen and I need to spend more time teaching her essential prepper skills.  She is a quick study and always eager to learn, so it is my fault for not having taken the time to teach her and the same thing probably applies to the rest of my family.

If you have read much of my writing, you know I always stress practicing your prepper skills.  Well, it seems that in my busy life I have not paid as much attention to training my own family.  Fortunately, I still have time to fix the problem. Don’t you make the same mistake and only discover it when the crunch comes, it may be too late to fix it.



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