Free Preparedness Manuals to Download

If you have been reading this blog for very long you probably know I like free stuff.  I am always on the lookout for it and like to pass along suggestion to all of you.  So here is a new list of free preparedness manuals you can download.  A few might be repeats, but I think that the majority are new ones.


NBC Field Handbook  A manual on protection from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons 

Special Operations – Caching Techniques TC.3129A  This is a new manual on caching

Liberated manuals, this link is to a site that has 4792 military manuals on it for you to download for free.   Military manuals are not copywrited and as such are in the public domain.

Survival and Austere Medicine It is not designed as a “how to do” reference – although there is some of that. There are plenty of books which tell you how to practice medicine. It is designed to provide some answers to commonly asked questions relating to survival/preparedness medicine and to provide relevant information not commonly found in traditional texts or direct you to that information

Vegetable Gardening in Containers published by the Virginia Cooperative Extension

USDA Principles of Home Canning An excellent book published by the US government on canning.

LDS Preparedness Manual   An excellent manual prepared by members of the LDS (Mormon) church

Essential Drugs published 2013

Anatomy at a Glance  An excellent book on anatomy

The ship captain’s medical guide   This is a British manual for ship captains at sea. Practical medical guidance for laymen working on board a ship. This is the 22nd edition, which is the most up-to-date and complete.

The Ships Medicine Chest And Medical Care At Sea   This is the US version of the manual for ships captains at sea.

Hopefully some of these free preparedness manuals will be of benefit to some of you.  If you aware of other manuals that would be of benefit, please send them to us. thanks



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