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- Free First-Aid Manuals
Free First-Aid Manuals
Here is another batch of free manuals you can download. I don’t know about you but I am having trouble deciding which ones to print. Hard copies are always best. I will recommend you print all the medical books. As far as the others, I am not sure. It takes some time to review them.
One idea that I had, is that maybe we could share the work. If you are familiar with a book or review one and think it is worth printing let the rest of us know. The same if you think it is a waste of time.
Like I said before I have not reviewed all these manuals and don’t know how good they are. Use your own judgment.
Where-There-is-No-Dentist-Murray-Dickson.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6GE42-kvADvZDk0NGM5Y2YtOTUwMS00ZWM3LTgxMWMtNjU5ZWQwNDk5ZjE4
survival-personal-wilderness-medical-kit.pdf https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6GE42-kvADvMGE0Nzk5ZjktOWU3MC00ZTkxLWIwZDgtNTk0Yzk0YzVmNzky
Wound Closure Manual https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GE42-kvADvMmM2ZDA0Y2ItM2NiYS00YzVjLTgyYTAtYWExMmUzNjczZDc1/edit
Full-First-Aid-Manual-FM-2111.pdf https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GE42-kvADvYjM2MTVhNjQtMjYwNS00YmU2LTk5MTQtYjRmNWI3NDA4YTRl/edit
Emergency War Surgery https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GE42-kvADvNzk4M2ZmNWItMzM1Yi00NDNkLWI2MjItNDQxOGQyNTBlMTNm/edit
Ditch-Medicine-Advanced-Field-Procedures-For-Emergencies-1993.pdf https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GE42-kvADvZDQzNjBlNTItYmVkYS00NGU4LWJjYjYtMmNlNGQ2ZTM5ZDJk/edit
USMC-Wilderness-Medicine-Course.pdf https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6GE42-kvADvZDhmYjA5YzQtOGRhNi00MDkyLTkxZWMtYWYwYjM1YjA3NTc4/edit
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