More Free Books for Preppers

I am firmly convinced that the single most important prep is the knowledge that you carry in your head.  This information can be obtained one of several ways, the school of hard knocks, watching others or reading.  The one to avoid is the school of hard knocks.  Watch others and reading can be a much easier route.  Me I like to train with others or read free books.

That is probably why I like to accumulate many of the free books that are available on the web.  So here are a few more free books for you to add to your collection.

Survival and Austere Medicine:  This an excellent book written by a group of volunteer medical personnel for people interested in preparedness.

Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Wound Treatment  This is another good medical book that has been developed by the US Military.  While this is written from a battlefield point of view, the techniques taught in the book can be used in any first aid situation.

Ranger Handbook 2011 This book is filled with  information on survival, map reading, communications, and much more

LDS Preparedness Manual   This book has been prepared by members of the LDS Church (Mormon) but is not an official church publication.  The information is a collection of members experiences in many areas of preparedness. The manual is a free download.

Whenever I download one of these free books from the web, I first review it and if it is one I want.  I then go ahead and save a copy to my computer and print at least one copy.  The printed copy is then bound with a spiral binder and stored away for future reference.

Now don’t make the mistake of simply downloading the manuals with the idea that you will read them sometime in the future.  Read them now, and practice what you learn as much as possible.



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