Canning Pork, While the Price is Down

My wife follows  food prices very closely and always knows the most economical foods to buy for storage.  Today she was telling me that the time for canning pork is now, the price is down. Every year she cans different types of meat and we use it during the coming year.  Pork cans well and is easy to use in many dishes.

Meat as a whole is easy to can.  The secret is that you need a good pressure canner.  My wife uses the Model 930 All American.  It will can 19 pints or 14 quarts at one time.

The instructions for canning pork are as follows

  • Get all your jars, lids and rings washed and together.The All American pressure canner

  • Heat your lids in hot water and have them ready

  • Cut your pork in bite size bites and trim the excess fat.

  • Pack the jars tight.  Press out air pockets

  • Fill the jars with hot water up to about an inch from the top. This keeps the meat from getting dry.  Salt or spices are optional.

  • Wipe the tops of the jars clean.

  • Put the lids and rings on jars, Hand tighten

  • Place in your pressure cooker

  • Cook according to your pressure cooker directions.  Our pressure cooker was set for 10 pounds for 90 minutes, for both quarts and pints. Don’t start counting the minutes until the canner has built up the correct pressure.

  • Let the jars cool and check the lids to make sure they are sealed. They should be drawn down.

The canned pork should store for several years if kept in a cool dark place.  Canned pork is good for casseroles, chili Verde, burritos and most Spanish dishes calling for meat.  Mix it with stir-fried vegetables or add gravy and put over rice or quinoa.  I find her home canned pork to be excellent and look forward to it.



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