Bugout and Get Home Bags Need to be Updated For Winter

Winter is coming and with it cold or wet weather.This is the time of year you need to go through and update your bugout and get home bags.  Make sure that you have the clothes that you need to survive outside in the winter.  Hypothermia, How to Dress to Avoid It 

It does not matter whether you are bugging out by car or on foot.  You still need to check your bags once in a while.  For me spring and fall works.  I look at a bugout or a get home bag as something to get me to a safe place in a short period of time.  They are different from an INCH bag or I’m never coming home bag.

Whether you are bugging out by foot or in a vehicle, you still need to carry similar items.  The vehicle just lets you carry more of them.

Here is a suggested list of items for your bugout or get home bags

FOOD -Three days’ supply of food minimum, (I carry more) to be determined by size and age of family and personal needs.Suggested items

• MRE’s (meals ready to eat) or LRPs (long range patrol rations)• Canned food – meats, tuna, sardine, fruits, vegetables chili etc, (I avoid these as to heavy) .• Hard candy dried fruit, etc.• Granola Bars or Power Bars• Fruit bar or fruit rolls• Mountain House or similar freeze dried of dehydrated foods• Jerky or pemmican• Home dried fruits• Beans or pasta

U.S. military surplus mess kit or similar backpacking setKnife, fork & spoon setU.S. stainless steel canteen cup can be used for drinking or cooking.

WATER PURIFICATIONOne Qt. Military canteen. At least one depending on availability of water.One Qt. Nylon canteen cover.Aquamira Tablets, 4-year shelf life, or a good quality water filter like the one made by Aquamira, Katadyn or First Need. I like the Aquamira’s Frontier Pro which only weights 2 oz and will filter 50 gallons of water. The cost is under $25.00.

SANITATIONToilet paperBar of soap, small. I use the little ones out of motels.Towel smallFeminine supplies if needed, they can double as first aid dressings.Personal items, tooth brush etc.Insect repellant, many some insect repellents will double as a fire starter, check yours.

WARMTH AND SHELTERSleeping bags are the best choice for warmth and comfort, keep it light100% wool blanket is the second best choice for warmth. Check the military surplus outlets and thrift stores.Space blanket, emergency use only, poorest choiceA good poncho, not the cheap plastic ones. They can also be used to make a temporary shelter.

FIRE STARTERSWaterproof match caseStrike anywhere matchesBlastMatch, Strike Force, Sparkie or varies fire steels are all commercial manufactured fire starters that will work after having been wet. I carry at least one of these in addition to matches.A small container of cotton balls impregnated with vaseline.

MISCELLANEOUSLegal papers, money, insurance policies and other important documents.A large trash bagBattery or solar power radio, if weight allowsA good knifeA good LED flashlight and spare batteries. I carry a Powerfilm USB+AA solar charger and Eneloop batteries. It weighs 6.2 ounces including two batteries.50’ hank of parachute cordSmall shovel for burying wasteLarge rucksack or other means of carrying kit.

CLOTHING is an item that depends on the area in which you reside, and the time of the year. Be sure and pack warm clothes, if you have to stay outside all night it can get cold even when it seems hot during the day. Keep the weigh as light as possible.

FIRST AID KITThe kit should contain a minimum of the following items. If possible, package them in a waterproof container.

• Surgical dressing, approx. 4” x 6 or feminine hygiene pads• Band-aids assorted sizes• Gauze pad 4” four each• Adhesive tape ¾”• Ace bandage• Triangular bandage• Antiseptic• Anti-diarrhea medicine• Aspirin and acetaminophen• Calamine lotion• Moleskin for blisters• Sunscreen• Prescription medicine as needed

PERSONAL protection or hunting items of your choice.

This is just a suggested list for a bugout or get home bag; yours may vary depending on local conditions or your own level of experience.  Try to keep them on the light side, unless you are in good condition and are used to carrying a pack.  Remember even if you don’t have everything on this list, anything you can put together is better than nothing.



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