The Berkey Official Response to the Toledo Ohio Algae Bloom.

I don’t normally put up information from other sources, but here is Berkey Response to the Toledo Ohio Algae Bloom.  It sounds like their filter would have worked under the circumstances, but read the article and make up your own mind.

Howardby Jeff on August 6, 2014 in Berkey® Water Purifier

ALGAE BLOOM – FAQBelow is some information that might be helpful, with respect to the recent Algae Bloom and resulting contamination of the water supply to Toledo, Ohio:“…Cyanobacterial cells range in size from 0.5-1 μm to 40 μm in diameter…”In other words, it’s a long skinny bacteria.Reference:

Internet research seems to indicate that cyanobacteria are even larger, typicallyon the scale of 150 micrometers in size.While we have not tested the specific microbes associated with Algae Blooms, wehave tested other pathogenic bacteria and two viruses, which are a small fractionof the size of these microbes.To understand the difference between the size of pathogenic bacteria andviruses, we suggest the following web link as it will give you a great visual of thedifference.

The University of Utah Cell Size and Scale Chart:

Slide the scale at the bottom to see the size of virus vs bacteria vs other potentialcontaminates and magnify to greater levels.Black Berkey purification elements have been tested to remove bothpathogenic bacteria and viruses to greater than the EPA purification standards.This suggests that larger bacteria, such as cyanobacteria, should also beeffectively removed. Without test data on that specific microbe however, NMCLdoes not make that specific claim.The MS-2 virus is 24-26 nm in size.The Fr Coliphage virus is 25nm in size.

In other words, they are over 1,000 times smaller than Cyanobateria.Additionally Microcystins, which are the chemical contaminates resulting fromcyanobacteria are an organic chemical. Testing of Black Berkey elements hasdemonstrated they are extremely efficient at removing organic chemicals.

The EPA defines Microcystins as: “…toxins produced by cyanobacteria.Cyanobacteria are also known as blue-green algae and are ubiquitous in surface waterwhen conditions are favorable for growth and formation of algal blooms. Cyanobacteriarelease toxins upon cell death or lysis. When released, toxins may persist for weeks tomonths. Toxins of most concern are microcystins. Microcystins take their name from thegenera Microcystis. Most microcystins are hepatotoxins (liver toxins). Hepatotoxins areproduced by species of the genera Microcystis, Anabena, Nodularia, Oscillatoria amongothers. Most microcystins are associated with Microcystis aeruginosa. While the liver isthe primary target of microcystins, it is also a skin, eye and throat irritant…”

Further, the EPA states that: “…The following processes are considered effective forthe removal/oxidation of microcystin:…. powdered activated carbon (up to 100% forsome microcystins but less so for others), granular activated carbon (time-dependentfrom 100% near start up to 38 to 73% at 3.5 months…”

Finally, the EPA states that: “…Removal of total microcystins, M-LR, and M-LA, inwater by granular activated carbon (GAC) can be very effective where the effectivenessis based on the empty bed contact time, the carbon’s age, and possible biodegradationof the toxin. Time-dependent monitoring in a full-scale plant ranged 43 to 60 percentremoval for M-LR. Time-dependent monitoring in pilot-scale studies ranged from greaterthan 99 percent at one month to 73 percent at 3.5 months for M-LR, and from greaterthan 99 percent at one month to 38 percent at 3.5 months for M-LA…”Reference:

Based upon the above Internet research, Black Berkey element microbe andorganic chemical removal test data and the information provided by the EPA intheir reference material cited above; these all suggest that Berkey® waterpurification systems should be extremely effective at removing and reducingcontaminates resulting from the current algae bloom. NMCL also highlyrecommends that whenever possible, the cleanest source water available shouldalways be utilized.


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