25 Unusual Lessons From Long-Term Camping

If you’ve ever gone long term camping, you’ll be nodding your head in agreement, and then will have plenty more observations to add to this list. The more camping and outdoor skills you have, the better. Just a few days ago, I was contacted by a man who is now homeless and plans on living in his car as well as a tent, when the weather is conducive.

  1. Snails can CEMENT themselves to nearly anything, and often they will do it in the least expected places.

  2. You MUST make peace with the giant spiders. They eat mosquitoes.

  3. Raccoons have no respect for personal property. They can taste pretty good, though!

  4. If you fall asleep in in the open, don’t be surprised if you wake up with wildlife curled up with you or on you. Of course the wildlife could range from a squirrel to an ant swarm.

  5. Nothing shiny is ever safe in the open from raccoons.

  6. Armadillos like to lick plastic and exposed toes.

  7. Make peace with skunks or your life will stink (literally).

  8. Always look where you’re taking a squat (answering nature’s call) at least three times before going. You’re pretty vulnerable in that position, so you want to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises.

  9. Make sure you know what bull thistle looks like. Sharp thorns but, surprisingly, quite edible.

  10. Don’t allow people to throw cigarettes in the latrines, if that’s what you’re using.

  11. Cedar smoke may be hard to live with, but mosquitoes are much harder to deal with. Burning cedar bark is a natural insect repellent.

  12. Don’t camp by still waters. If you do, you’ll only do it once. (See #11 above.)

  13. Clear well the area where you put your tent. Rocks, briars, and twigs don’t disappear just because you put a tarp over them. If your camping is truly long term, weeks or longer, every bit of gear you have needs to be treated with care. You may not have the money or opportunity to get it replaced.

  14. Racoons will chew through things they cannot open easily. It’s easier to appease the raccoon than to keep buying new things.

  15. Given time, mice and rats can chew through things you might think were rodent proof. Be on the lookout for telltale signs of their chewing.

  16. Shake your clothes and shoes well before putting them on.

  17. Wet tobacco makes fire ant stings stop hurting.

  18. You may not react to the first, second or 100th fire ant bite, but someday you will and get huge welts from them. Chigger bites are almost as bad.

  19. Don’t camp anywhere near fire ants and know what their mounds look like. You’d be surprised by how many problems can be avoided just be carefully selecting your campsite.

  20. No matter how awesome that spot in a valley looks, and no matter how much your significant other likes it, don’t camp there. Water ALWAYS goes to the valley.

  21. Do not attempt to burn American literature books. It won’t work. However, over time you’ll develop survival hacks that DO work, or you can just buy a book like this one from expert Creek Stewart.

  22. Raccoons can chew through sterilite containers. (Yes, raccoons again.)

  23. You cannot protect your valuables from raccoons unless you half bury a box in the ground and set a small boulder over it.

  24. Dont piss off blue jays. They remember and have no inhibitions in attacking you.

  25. ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS check your shoes before putting them on.

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